Account Activation

Please note, All new students, faculty & staff must set up Multi-Factor Authentication. 

In order to set up your UTULSA account, you will need your TUNetID. You should have received the TUNetID in a separate email, if you don't know the ID you’ll need to contact the IT Helpdesk for assistance at or 918-631-3500.

If you have your TUNetID, please click the first-time user button below. Please note, All new students, faculty & staff must set up Multi-Factor Authentication. 

First-Time Users


WARNING: It is a violation of the Code of Computing Practices to share your UTULSA password with anyone for any reason.



Enter your TUNetID when prompted for User ID. Type the challenge code into the second prompt, then select next.

screenshot of account setup

Reset Password

Select I forgot my password, select next

screenshot select forgot password

Verify Communication Method

Choose your preferred verification method from the options listed on the left.

Select the blue button on the right when you’re ready to proceed.

Note: Verification options may differ depending on which contact methods are on record for your account. If you cannot reset your password using these options, please contact the IT Help Desk at or 918-631-3500.

screenshot verification method choice

Set Password

To ensure there are no typos, type your new password into both textboxes.

Passwords must meet minimum requirements to continue.

screen shot choose new password

Password Requirements

  • Passwords cannot contain the TUNetID or parts of the user’s full name, such as their first name
  • 15 Characters (minimum)
  • 1 Upper-case letter
  • 1 Lower-case letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special Character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)


You've now successfully created a password for your account.

If you should have any questions, please contact the Help Desk at or 918-631-3500.

screenshot successful password reset

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