Administrator Account OTP Setup

This will allow users to authenticate as administrator to install software or change settings, even when the device is offline. After setup is complete you will be prompted automatically when this feature is required.

Configure Silverfort Offline OTP(One Time Password):

  1. Ensure your computer is connected either to TU network or TU VPN
  2. Sign out of your standard account (if currently signed in)
  3. Enter your new administrator account credentials and select the link that says "Click here to enroll to use OTP for offline login"
  4. Follow the prompts to enroll offline MFA
  5. Complete the login using your new administrator account.  This will cache the credentials locally on your computer for offline use.
  6. Once logged in, sign out and sign in again using your standard account.


TU Admin Account Setup - Video Tutorial


If you need assistance, please contact the I.T. Helpdesk at (918) 631-3500, or

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