Outlook Webmail

Note, you’ll need to create an account password before attempting to login to Outlook mail.

View the get started guide to activate your account

The University of Tulsa has transitioned student email accounts to Office 365

Open a web browser to http://office.utulsa.edu


Using the format TUNetID@utulsa.edu, enter your TU username and select Next. Then enter your password and select Sign In (Example TUNetID: abc1234@utulsa.edu)


Password Requirements

  • Passwords cannot contain the TUNetID or parts of the user’s full name, such as their first name
  • 15 Characters (minimum)
  • 1 Upper-case letter
  • 1 Lower-case letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special Character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;”‘,.?/)


If this is your first time accessing Outlook email you’ll need to select your preferred language and time zone. Select Save to proceed. screenshot


Once complete, you’ll be taken to your Outlook mailbox. screenshot

Office 365 Outlook Email and Calendar are web-based applications accessible via a web browser. The applications provide the ability for you to store and sync your email, calendar, and contact information across all your devices.

Access Office 365 Outlook Email and Calendar

If you are interested in accessing your email and calendar only, you can go directly to Outlook on the web at https://www.outlook.com/utulsa.edu. If you prefer to access the full-suite of Office 365 applications, login to the Office 365 Portal. When prompted for your account, enter your TU email address and then your password.

Login to TU Email (Office 365)

From the Office 365 Portal you can access all of the TU licensed Microsoft Office 365 applications. You also have access to recent documents as well as recently accessed OneDrive Folders.

If you have any questions email help@utulsa.edu or call the IT help desk at 918-631-3500.

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