Mobile Hotspot Setup - AT&T


How to assemble and set up your TU-issued Wi-Fi hotspot

The hotspot also comes with instructions that are useful to refer to for help.

First, take the hotspot, battery, and back panel out of the box. The SIM card should already be preinstalled in the hotspot. Assemble these together.

hotspot screenshot

hotspot screenshot

Then, press and hold the power button on the side of the hotspot until it turns on.

hotspot screenshot

When it turns on, you should see a screen like this.

Then, the next screen that will appear will say, “Setup required.”

To move past this screen, press the power button. You shouldn’t have to hold the power button this time.

Then, you will see a screen with the Wi-Fi name and a password as shown below.

Click on the network icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen of your computer to open the network list. Identify the network that is coming from the hotspot. The name should match the Wi-Fi name shown on the screen of your hotspot, and it will be in the pattern of ATT-WIFI-XXXX.

Click on the network from your hotspot and enter the password that is shown on the hotspot screen. The password will be in the same place on your hotspot screen as shown below:

Enter the password here:

After you enter the password, you will be connected to the hotspot Wi-Fi network.



If you're still having trouble, submit a ticket or call us at 918-631-3500.



Article ID: 133273
Mon 5/17/21 12:43 PM
Mon 10/24/22 11:22 AM