macOS – PaperCut Print Jobs – Hold for Authentication

  1. if you are seeing this screen in the Printer Center window:
  3. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Try clicking the refresh button to enter different credentials. Instead of entering your macOS password, enter your utulsa netID and current password.
    1. Select the Refresh button
      You will be prompted to enter credentials
    2. Enter your TUNetID and password
    3. Enable the option to “Remember this password in my keychain”
    4. Select the OK button and the job will proceed
  4. If this still does not work, click Finder > Go > Applications > and open the app Keychain Access. Then delete the entry for the print queue in question. After which, you can attempt to print again.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

If you encounter any issues with this, please contact the IT Helpdesk for assistance at or (918) 631-3500.

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