AVer Camera Operation

The wall-mounted cameras are called PTZ cameras for pan-tilt-zoom.  They are made by Aver.  Here are the basic instructions for using them.

In your application select “Aver…” for the camera source to show the room.

The Aver camera is a point-zoom-pan camera.  By default it is set to show the full front of the room.

Using the remote you may zoom and pan the camera to a desired location.  Note, the location will be reset to the default when the room is powered off and then back on.

The top of the remote is pictured on the right.

Zoom in and out – use the toggle button pointed to by the yellow arrow.

Pan – use the arrow keys toward the top pointed to by the purple arrow (2).

Presets – there will be preset views configured (up to 10).  You will be able to select the preset by holding down the M key in the middle and selecting the appropriate numbered key below, pointed to by the red arrows (3).

Preset 1 will by the wide shot to the front of the room.

Auto-focus – focuses on faces.  The option is set to on by default.  You may turn it on and off by the button on the middle left pointed to by the green arrow (4); hold it for 4 seconds.  This option is set by each user on the specific classroom computer and, currently, cannot be set globally for all users.

Camera app – the camera tool is built into Windows.  You may find it by typing in the search bar in the lower left or over the Windows icon.  With this tool you may show the camera while sharing your screen.  You can also use it to see the status of the auto-focus toggle.





Focus - If the camera continues to focus then select the Auto-focus (4) button above to turn off the auto-focus.





Software Tools

Collaborate – use this tool to bring students and guests in synchronously to your classroom.  You may also record your session.

Panopto – use this tool to record your class for asynchronous viewing later meaning no one is joining the class during the class period or you are recording a flipped or online lesson.

VLC – use this tool to show your DVD’s.

Camera – use this tool to open the camera view in a window.

How to’s on several of these tools and how to use them can be found in Harvey in the FRC-Technology Teaching and Learning org.  Contact the Faculty Resource Center (frc-help@utulsa.edu, 918-631-2056) for training with Collaborate and Panopto.

For self-help documents go to help.utulsa.edu.


Checklist for the end of class

  1. Power off the system unless someone is coming in after you.
  2. Make sure your Panopto recording is in the “processing” stage.
  3. Sign-off the computer.


Need help?

Classroom Support – 918-631-3500 then press 1

General Tech Support – 918-631-3500

Faculty Resource Center – 918-631-2056 (for faculty help)

Self-help – help.utulsa.edu