Lockdown Browser (iPad)

How to install the Respondus Lockdown browser on an ipad

Please note that although you can install the lockdown browser on your ipad, your professor will need to enable this functionality in order for you to actually take a test or quiz using the lockdown browser.

There are two ways you can go about downloading the Respondus Lockdown browser for your ipad. You can either search for it in the Appstore and download it that way. In that case you can jump ahead to step 8. Otherwise, you can follow the links in Harvey to download it.

  • Using your preferred internet browser, navigate to Harvey, and enter your credentials. This will take you to the home page


  • From here, locate the organization titled “Harvey Student How To’s” under the “My organizations tab.” Click on “Harvey Student How To’s.”


  • This will take into the “Harvey Student How To’s” student organization. Then, on the left-hand side, you’ll see a menu. From this menu, click on the “What’s new” tab.


  • Under “My Announcements,” click on the link titled, “Information on Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor.”


  • This will open up the announcements page. In the first announcement block, titled “Testing-Troubleshoot,” you’ll see a link labeled, “Assessments.” Click on “Assessments.”


  • This will take you to another text block, in this text block, click on the link, “Download Lockdown Browser here.”



  • This will take you to a page with information about using the lockdown browser on an iPad. Please read this information carefully and note that you will need to contact your professor in order for the iPad to be able to access the assessments such as tests and quizzes for your course. From this page you will click on the app store logo to go to the app store and download the lockdown browser.


  • After clicking on the app store logo or searching for and selecting the Respondus Lockdown browser in the app store, click “GET” to start downloading the app.


  • You may have to enter in your apple account information if it isn’t already entered. Then, click “Install.”


  • Then, you will have installed the app to your iPad. You can open it now from the app store screen by clicking “OPEN.”


  • Next, you will be prompted to enter in the name of your institution. Type in “University of Tulsa” without the word “The.” As you can see in the picture below, it cannot find the University of Tulsa if “the” is included. But it will be able to find it if “the” is left out to the name.


  • Once, you’ve entered the name of the University of Tulsa, you will be taken to Harvey. And every time you use the lockdown browser, it will take you to Harvey. You are now using the Internet to access Harvey through the lock down browser.


  • You can exit and enter the lockdown browser now. To launch the browser after quitting, you can click on the lockdown browser icon that appears at the bar at the bottom of your ipad screen (second from the right), and this will open the browser.


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