First Time Users
All new students must first create a password for their account by using the password reset link
Create Account Password
NOTE: Your TUNetID is your Username (ex.
Create Password
- Select "I forgot my password" and click next.

- Enter your TUNetID when prompted for User ID (ex.
- Enter the challenge code

Designate contact method for verification
Select One
- Alternate Email Address
- Text mobile phone
- Call mobile phone
- Enter code from MS Authenticator App

Enter Verification Code
- Enter the verification code that was sent via the method you selected above.

Password Requirements
- Create a new password using the following requirements.
Password Requirements
- Passwords cannot contain the TUNetID or parts of the user’s full name, such as their first name
- 15 Characters (minimum)
- Must include three of the four following complexity conditions:
- 1 Upper-case letter
- 1 Lower-case letter
- 1 Number
- 1 Special Character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;”‘.?)
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication
If you're still having trouble, email or call us at 918-631-3500.